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Is there a genetic component in drug addiction?

In this blog post I am going to be looking at if more addiction come from, your genetics or if it is an environmental factor now in the paper that I found from 2011 in the neuron medical journal it says that it is a mix of genetics and environmental factors such as the genetic factor plays a bigger role in the development of addiction, meaning that yes, the place and people around you have an impact on the drugs you take or are exposed to may also change you're view point on these drugs.

It is well documented that there is many disease’s that pass on through genetics so it understandable that addiction could be able to pass down the same way and there is evidence that it works this way as in the paper it talks about how “alcohol dependence was one of the first behavioral disorder” so this shows that there is a genetic component to it with makes you once you tried it start to get more dependence if you have a genetic component with means that it easier to get addictive then people who have never touched the drugs. But also, with alcohol addiction there is views where if you see the child of an alcoholic, they must be more careful as they are more likely to get addicted to alcohol and become an alcoholic.

Now I'm not saying that the environment factors don’t also plays a factor within addiction because it does if you hang out with people who smoke or do drugs or drink then there a much higher chance that you will start to do them Aswell because you get pressured, or on the other side of the argument there also if you see people you know or trust doing them your think it okay like if you grow up In a house where they all smoke weed you will grow up thinking there is nothing wrong with it, compared to someone who grew up in a different environment where they were first exposed to it in movies and tv or books where it is exposed as something completely different to what it actually is because many movies and tv portray them as a lot of fun or really dangerous and they never really show the side effect unless it one of the more a-class drugs.

Now a big issue within this issue is that some people get some information about a drug or learn very little about the subject and then try to talk about it like they know all about it this has led to a lot of false information about drug use and if it genetics or environment factors to be passed around and it made it harder for people with drug addictions to come forward looking for help because they get shunned by society for putting themselves into this situation so they are unable to escape leading to a lot of overdosing. Another big issue with this is people will like places to a environment factors so get misconstrue about a area or a location and this leads them to believe that all the people in this place have a drug problem leading a lot of people to believe environment factors are the main causes behind drug addiction.

There are many different layers of addiction and it isn't just as black and white as people think there a grey area and it very interesting subject to do research into, I would advise looking more into It as there a lot more interesting study's out there I don’t have time to mention or show but the subject and study has been going on for many years so it interesting to see how it has evolved with technology helping the argument of if it an environmental factor that causes drug addiction or is a genetic issues, there been a lot of improvements within the genetic field that has made us able to be able to look into this and uncover new results so a lot of the debate will continued for a long time because the results between each study always seems to give a different response depending on the year that it was conducted sometimes it's all Enviromental's factors that make drug addiction other times it genetics until we know for sure what causes these we won't be able to tackle the issue.


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